Below is a list of items we will need to know before we can pass this request to our network team to investigate :
1: Dos or Shell based 300 ping count. Showing ONLY the end results not all 300 pings.
2: Dos or Shell based traceroute to your server from your remote location.
Text file format only please. Our upstreams will not accept images.
Please do NOT mask your IP address
3: Dos or Shell based traceroute from your server to your remote location.
Text file format only please. Our upstreams will not accept images.
Please do NOT mask your IP address
4: 'root' or administrator logins to your host so we can confirm the network configuration on your host and perform additional tests if needed.
5: Information about any firewalls or packet filters you might be running
6: Information about the application you are experiencing the latency in.
7: Information on how to possibly replicate the problem.